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Fairfield County Basketball League
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Facilities List (Old Website)
Amity Heat
Amity Orangemen
Another Level
Arise - Norwalk
Branford Hornets
Branford Red
Bridge Academy Panthers
Bridgeport Kings Kids
Bridgeport McGivney
Bridgeport Select
Bridgeport Team Mamba
Danbury PAL
Darien YMCA
Dribble Drive Basketball
Fairfield Basketball Association
Farmington Rogue
Greenwich Basketball
Greenwich Boys and Girls
Greenwich Select
Guilford Basketball
Hamden Fathers
Hoop Haven-Norwalk
Lady Spartans - Amity Travel
Madison Youth
Meriden YMCA Superjets
Milford Knights
Milford Progress
Monroe Parks and Rec Travel
Monroe Red Storm
Mt. Vernon Junior Knights
Naugatuck Power
Naugatuck YMCA
New Canaan Basketball
New Fairfield
New Milford YBA
Newtown YBA
Non FCBL Club
Non FCBL Club
Norwalk Carver GBA
Norwalk CT Blazers
Norwalk Jr. Basketball
Norwalk Youth Carver
One Five Norwalk
Orange Basketball
Redding-Easton Basketball
Ridgefield RBA
St. Mark - Stratford
St. Mary-Ridgefield
St. Theresa
St. Thomas More-Darien
Stamford JCC
Stamford Youngtimers
Stratford Revolution
Torrington PAL
United Youth-Norwalk
Wakeman - Smilow
Wakeman BGC-Southport
Wakeman Caribe-MAC
Waterbury Buckets
Waterbury CT Royalty
Waterbury CT Swish
Waterbury Focus
Waterbury PAL
Waterbury South End Rec
Waterbury-The Basketball School
West Haven
Weston War Dogs
Westport PAL/YMCA
Westport YMCA
Winsted Travel
Wolcott Jr Basketball
Yonkers Bulls
4th Grade Girls
Brookfield 4G
Danbury PAL 4G
Fairfield FBA Ballers 4G
Fairfield FBA Hornets 4G
New Fairfield 4G
Newtown 4G
Norwalk GBA 4G
Ridgefield Black 4G
St Theresa 4G
Weston 4G
Westport PAL Blue 4G
Westport PAL White 4G
5th Grade Girls
Darien YMCA 5G
Fairfield FBA Rise 5G
Milford Knights Blue 5G
Newtown Gold 5G
Norwalk GBA 5G
Ridgefield Black 5G
St Theresa 5G
Stamford Youngtimers 5G
Westport PAL Blue 5G
Bethel 5G
Fairfield FBA Blue 5G
New Canaan Liberty 5G
New Canaan Sun 5G
New Fairfield 5G
Newtown Blue 5G
Nonnewaug 5G
Pomperaug 5G
Ridgefield Orange 5G
Waterbury Focus 5G
Waterbury-The Basketball School 5G
Weston 5G
Westport PAL White 5G
Wilton 5G
6th Grade Girls
Fairfield FBA Force 6G
Lady-O 6G
Milford Knights Blue 6G
New Canaan 6G
Ridgefield Black 6G
St Theresa 6G
Waterbury Focus 6G
Westport PAL Blue 6G
Bethel 6G
Mt Vernon 6G
Newtown Gold 6G
Pomperaug 6G
Weston Gold 6G
Wilton 6G
Danbury PAL 6G
Darien YMCA 6G
Fairfield FBA Liberty 6G
Fairfield FBA Stags 6G
New Fairfield 6G
Newtown Blue 6G
Norwalk GBA 6G
Redding-Easton Black 6G
Redding-Easton Gold 6G
St. Mark 6G
Stamford Youngtimers 6G
Weston Blue 6G
Westport PAL White 6G
7th Grade Girls
Darien YMCA 7G
Fairfield FBA Sun 7G
Guilford Lady Grizzlies 7G
Madison Black 7G
Milford Knights Blue 7G
Newtown 7G
Redding-Easton 7G
Ridgefield Black 7G
St Theresa 7G
Stamford Youngtimers 7G
Waterbury Focus 7G
Westport PAL Blue 7G
Bethel 7G
Milford Progress 7G
New Canaan 7G
New Fairfield 7G
Nonnewaug 7G
Norwalk GBA 7G
Wilton 7G
Brookfield 7G
Fairfield FBA Sparks 7G
New Milford YBA 6/ 7G
Pomperaug 7G
St. Mary-Ridgefield 7G
Weston 7G
Westport PAL White 7G
8th Grade Girls
Branford Hornets 8G
Fairfield FBA Lady Hawks 8G
Lady Spartans - Amity 8G
Madison Black 8G
Norwalk GBA 8G
St Theresa 8G
Stamford Youngtimers 8G
Waterbury CT Royalty 8G
Westport PAL 8G
Bethel 8G
Darien YMCA 8G
Fairfield FBA Eagles 8G
Milford Knights Blue 8G
Mt Vernon 8G
New Canaan 8G
New Milford YBA 7/8G
Newtown 8G
Pomperaug 8G
Ridgefield Black 8G
St. Mary-Ridgefield 8G
Waterbury Focus 8G
Wilton 8G
Wolcott 8G
Danbury PAL 8G
Fairfield FBA Fever 8G
Monroe Red Storm 7/8G
New Fairfield 8G
Redding-Easton 8G
Wakeman Caribe-MAC 8G
Wakeman-Smilow 7/8G
Weston Blue 8G
Weston Gold 8G
4th Grade Boys
Danbury PAL Blue 4B
Darien YMCA 4B
Fairfield FBA Hawks 4B
Fairfield FBA Knicks 4B
Norwalk Youth Carver 4B
Ridgefield Black 4B
Ridgefield Orange 4B
Stamford JCC Blue 4B
Westport PAL Blue 4B
Wilton 4B
Brookfield 4B
Danbury PAL White 4B
Fairfield FBA Bulls 4B
Fairfield FBA Crusaders 4B
Greenwich Select 4B
New Fairfield 4B
Newtown 4B
Norwalk Jr 4B
Shelton 4B
Stamford JCC White 4B
Weston 4B
Westport PAL White 4B
5th Grade Boys
Bethel 5B
Danbury PAL 5B
Darien YMCA Blue 5B
Fairfield FBA Cougars 5B
Fairfield FBA Jayhawks 5B
Fairfield FBA Panthers 5B
Milford Knights Blue 5B
Mt Vernon 5B
New Canaan Black 5B
New Fairfield 5B
Newtown Gold 5B
Norwalk Jr Green 5B
Norwalk Youth Carver 5B
Redding-Easton Black 5B
Ridgefield Black 5B
Shelton 5B
St Theresa 5B
Stamford JCC 5B
Weston Gold 5B
Westport PAL Blue 5B
Westport PAL White 5B
Wilton 5B
Brookfield 5B
Darien YMCA White 5B
Fairfield FBA Generals 5B
Fairfield FBA Lakers 5B
Greenwich Select 5B
Meriden YMCA 5B
Milford Knights White 5B
New Canaan Red 5B
New Milford YBA 5B
Newtown Blue 5B
Norwalk Jr White 5B
PHD Westport 5B
Pomperaug 5B
Ridgefield Orange 5B
St Marys Ridgefield 5B
6th Grade Boys
Darien YMCA Blue 6B
Fairfield FBA Huskies 6B
Milford Knights Blue 6B
Mt Vernon 6B
Newtown Gold 6B
Norwalk Youth Carver 6B
Shelton 6B
St Theresa 6B
Waterbury PAL 6B
Westport PAL Blue 6B
Bethel 6B
Bridgeport Select Elite 5/6B
Brookfield Blue 6B
Danbury PAL 6B
Darien YMCA White 6B
Fairfield FBA Ball Hawks 6B
Fairfield FBA Wildcats 6B
Hamden Fathers 6B
New Canaan Black 6B
New Fairfield 6B
Norwalk Jr 6B
Pomperaug 6B
Ridgefield Black 6B
St Mark 6B
Wakeman-Smilow 6B
Weston Gold 6B
Westport PAL White 6B
Wilton Blue 6B
Bridgeport-McGivney 6B
Brookfield 6B Gold
Fairfield FBA Celtics 6B
Fairfield FBA Warriors 6B
Greenwich Select Black 6B
Greenwich Select Red 6B
Greenwich Select White 6B
Kings Kids 6B
Milford Knights White 6B
Monroe Red Storm 6B
New Canaan Red 6B
New Milford YBA 6B
Newtown Blue 6B
PHD Westport 6B
Redding-Easton Black 6B
Ridgefield Orange 6B
St Marys Ridgefield 6B
Stamford JCC 6B
Wakeman BGC-Southport 6B
Wakeman Caribe-MAC 6B
Weston Blue 5/6B
Wilton White 5/6B
7th Grade Boys
Darien YMCA Blue 7B
Fairfield FBA Bulldogs 7B
Milford Knights Blue 7B
Mt Vernon 7B
New Canaan Black 7B
Newtown Gold 7B
One Five Norwalk Purple 7B
St Theresa 7B
Stamford JCC Blue 7B
Waterbury South End 7B
Westport PAL Blue 7B
Bethel Maroon 7B
Branford Hornets 7B
Brookfield 7B
Danbury PAL 7B
Fairfield FBA Wolves 7B
Hamden Fathers 7B
Monroe Red Storm 7B
New Canaan Red 7B
New Fairfield Blue 7B
Norwalk Youth Carver Blue 7B
One Five Norwalk Black 7B
Pomperaug 7B
Redding-Easton Black 7B
Ridgefield Black 7B
Shelton 7B
Waterbury PAL 7B
Westport PAL White 7B
Wilton 7B
Bethel White 7B
Darien YMCA White 7B
Fairfield FBA Lancers 7B
Fairfield FBA Thunder 7B
Greenwich Select 7B
Milford Knights White 7B
New Canaan White 7B
New Fairfield Red 7B
New Milford YBA 7B
Newtown Blue 7B
Nonnewaug 7B
Norwalk Youth Carver Yellow 7B
PHD Westport 7B
Redding-Easton Gold 7B
Ridgefield Orange 7B
Wakeman BGC-Southport 7B
Weston Blue 7B
Weston Gold 7B
8th Grade Boys
Amity Heat 8B
Bridgeport Select Elite 8B
Bridgeport-McGivney 8B
Danbury PAL Blue 8B
Fairfield FBA Heat 8B
Madison Black 8B
Meriden YMCA Superjets 8B
Milford Knights Blue 8B
Mt Vernon 8B
Norwalk CT Blazers 8B
Weston Gold 8B
Westport PAL Blue 8B
Bethel 8B
Branford Hornets 8B
Brookfield 8B
Danbury PAL White 8B
Darien YMCA Blue 8B
Fairfield FBA Mavericks 8B
Farmington Rogue 8B
Hamden Fathers 8B
Meriden YMCA C 8B
Milford Knights White 8B
Monroe Park and Rec 8B
New Canaan Black 8B
New Fairfield 8B
New Milford YBA 8B
Newtown Blue 8B
Newtown Gold 8B
Nonnewaug 8B
Norwalk Youth Carver 8B
PHD Westport 8B
Pomperaug 8B
Redding-Easton Black 8B
Ridgefield Black 8B
Ridgefield Orange 8B
Shelton 8B
St Mark 8B
Stamford JCC Blue 8B
Wakeman BGC- Southport 8B
Wakeman-Smilow 8B
Weston Blue 8B
Westport PAL White 8B
Wilton Blue 8B
Bridge Academy Panthers 8B
Darien YMCA White 8B
Fairfield FBA Red Storm 8B
Greenwich Basketball 8B
Kings Kids 8B
New Canaan Red 8B
Stamford JCC White 8B
Wakeman Caribe-MAC 8B
Wilton White 7/8B
4th Grade Girls
Brookfield 4G
Danbury PAL 4G
Fairfield FBA Ballers 4G
Fairfield FBA Hornets 4G
New Fairfield 4G
Newtown 4G
Norwalk GBA 4G
Ridgefield Black 4G
St Theresa 4G
Weston 4G
Westport PAL Blue 4G
Westport PAL White 4G
5th Grade Girls
Darien YMCA 5G
Fairfield FBA Rise 5G
Milford Knights Blue 5G
Newtown Gold 5G
Norwalk GBA 5G
Ridgefield Black 5G
St Theresa 5G
Stamford Youngtimers 5G
Westport PAL Blue 5G
Bethel 5G
Fairfield FBA Blue 5G
New Canaan Liberty 5G
New Canaan Sun 5G
New Fairfield 5G
Newtown Blue 5G
Nonnewaug 5G
Pomperaug 5G
Ridgefield Orange 5G
Waterbury Focus 5G
Waterbury-The Basketball School 5G
Weston 5G
Westport PAL White 5G
Wilton 5G
6th Grade Girls
Fairfield FBA Force 6G
Lady-O 6G
Milford Knights Blue 6G
New Canaan 6G
Ridgefield Black 6G
St Theresa 6G
Waterbury Focus 6G
Westport PAL Blue 6G
Bethel 6G
Mt Vernon 6G
Newtown Gold 6G
Pomperaug 6G
Weston Gold 6G
Wilton 6G
Danbury PAL 6G
Darien YMCA 6G
Fairfield FBA Liberty 6G
Fairfield FBA Stags 6G
New Fairfield 6G
Newtown Blue 6G
Norwalk GBA 6G
Redding-Easton Black 6G
Redding-Easton Gold 6G
St. Mark 6G
Stamford Youngtimers 6G
Weston Blue 6G
Westport PAL White 6G
7th Grade Girls
Darien YMCA 7G
Fairfield FBA Sun 7G
Guilford Lady Grizzlies 7G
Madison Black 7G
Milford Knights Blue 7G
Newtown 7G
Redding-Easton 7G
Ridgefield Black 7G
St Theresa 7G
Stamford Youngtimers 7G
Waterbury Focus 7G
Westport PAL Blue 7G
Bethel 7G
Milford Progress 7G
New Canaan 7G
New Fairfield 7G
Nonnewaug 7G
Norwalk GBA 7G
Wilton 7G
Brookfield 7G
Fairfield FBA Sparks 7G
New Milford YBA 6/ 7G
Pomperaug 7G
St. Mary-Ridgefield 7G
Weston 7G
Westport PAL White 7G
8th Grade Girls
Branford Hornets 8G
Fairfield FBA Lady Hawks 8G
Lady Spartans - Amity 8G
Madison Black 8G
Norwalk GBA 8G
St Theresa 8G
Stamford Youngtimers 8G
Waterbury CT Royalty 8G
Westport PAL 8G
Bethel 8G
Darien YMCA 8G
Fairfield FBA Eagles 8G
Milford Knights Blue 8G
Mt Vernon 8G
New Canaan 8G
New Milford YBA 7/8G
Newtown 8G
Pomperaug 8G
Ridgefield Black 8G
St. Mary-Ridgefield 8G
Waterbury Focus 8G
Wilton 8G
Wolcott 8G
Danbury PAL 8G
Fairfield FBA Fever 8G
Monroe Red Storm 7/8G
New Fairfield 8G
Redding-Easton 8G
Wakeman Caribe-MAC 8G
Wakeman-Smilow 7/8G
Weston Blue 8G
Weston Gold 8G
4th Grade Boys
Danbury PAL Blue 4B
Darien YMCA 4B
Fairfield FBA Hawks 4B
Fairfield FBA Knicks 4B
Norwalk Youth Carver 4B
Ridgefield Black 4B
Ridgefield Orange 4B
Stamford JCC Blue 4B
Westport PAL Blue 4B
Wilton 4B
Brookfield 4B
Danbury PAL White 4B
Fairfield FBA Bulls 4B
Fairfield FBA Crusaders 4B
Greenwich Select 4B
New Fairfield 4B
Newtown 4B
Norwalk Jr 4B
Shelton 4B
Stamford JCC White 4B
Weston 4B
Westport PAL White 4B
5th Grade Boys
Bethel 5B
Danbury PAL 5B
Darien YMCA Blue 5B
Fairfield FBA Cougars 5B
Fairfield FBA Jayhawks 5B
Fairfield FBA Panthers 5B
Milford Knights Blue 5B
Mt Vernon 5B
New Canaan Black 5B
New Fairfield 5B
Newtown Gold 5B
Norwalk Jr Green 5B
Norwalk Youth Carver 5B
Redding-Easton Black 5B
Ridgefield Black 5B
Shelton 5B
St Theresa 5B
Stamford JCC 5B
Weston Gold 5B
Westport PAL Blue 5B
Westport PAL White 5B
Wilton 5B
Brookfield 5B
Darien YMCA White 5B
Fairfield FBA Generals 5B
Fairfield FBA Lakers 5B
Greenwich Select 5B
Meriden YMCA 5B
Milford Knights White 5B
New Canaan Red 5B
New Milford YBA 5B
Newtown Blue 5B
Norwalk Jr White 5B
PHD Westport 5B
Pomperaug 5B
Ridgefield Orange 5B
St Marys Ridgefield 5B
6th Grade Boys
Darien YMCA Blue 6B
Fairfield FBA Huskies 6B
Milford Knights Blue 6B
Mt Vernon 6B
Newtown Gold 6B
Norwalk Youth Carver 6B
Shelton 6B
St Theresa 6B
Waterbury PAL 6B
Westport PAL Blue 6B
Bethel 6B
Bridgeport Select Elite 5/6B
Brookfield Blue 6B
Danbury PAL 6B
Darien YMCA White 6B
Fairfield FBA Ball Hawks 6B
Fairfield FBA Wildcats 6B
Hamden Fathers 6B
New Canaan Black 6B
New Fairfield 6B
Norwalk Jr 6B
Pomperaug 6B
Ridgefield Black 6B
St Mark 6B
Wakeman-Smilow 6B
Weston Gold 6B
Westport PAL White 6B
Wilton Blue 6B
Bridgeport-McGivney 6B
Brookfield 6B Gold
Fairfield FBA Celtics 6B
Fairfield FBA Warriors 6B
Greenwich Select Black 6B
Greenwich Select Red 6B
Greenwich Select White 6B
Kings Kids 6B
Milford Knights White 6B
Monroe Red Storm 6B
New Canaan Red 6B
New Milford YBA 6B
Newtown Blue 6B
PHD Westport 6B
Redding-Easton Black 6B
Ridgefield Orange 6B
St Marys Ridgefield 6B
Stamford JCC 6B
Wakeman BGC-Southport 6B
Wakeman Caribe-MAC 6B
Weston Blue 5/6B
Wilton White 5/6B
7th Grade Boys
Darien YMCA Blue 7B
Fairfield FBA Bulldogs 7B
Milford Knights Blue 7B
Mt Vernon 7B
New Canaan Black 7B
Newtown Gold 7B
One Five Norwalk Purple 7B
St Theresa 7B
Stamford JCC Blue 7B
Waterbury South End 7B
Westport PAL Blue 7B
Bethel Maroon 7B
Branford Hornets 7B
Brookfield 7B
Danbury PAL 7B
Fairfield FBA Wolves 7B
Hamden Fathers 7B
Monroe Red Storm 7B
New Canaan Red 7B
New Fairfield Blue 7B
Norwalk Youth Carver Blue 7B
One Five Norwalk Black 7B
Pomperaug 7B
Redding-Easton Black 7B
Ridgefield Black 7B
Shelton 7B
Waterbury PAL 7B
Westport PAL White 7B
Wilton 7B
Bethel White 7B
Darien YMCA White 7B
Fairfield FBA Lancers 7B
Fairfield FBA Thunder 7B
Greenwich Select 7B
Milford Knights White 7B
New Canaan White 7B
New Fairfield Red 7B
New Milford YBA 7B
Newtown Blue 7B
Nonnewaug 7B
Norwalk Youth Carver Yellow 7B
PHD Westport 7B
Redding-Easton Gold 7B
Ridgefield Orange 7B
Wakeman BGC-Southport 7B
Weston Blue 7B
Weston Gold 7B
8th Grade Boys
Amity Heat 8B
Bridgeport Select Elite 8B
Bridgeport-McGivney 8B
Danbury PAL Blue 8B
Fairfield FBA Heat 8B
Madison Black 8B
Meriden YMCA Superjets 8B
Milford Knights Blue 8B
Mt Vernon 8B
Norwalk CT Blazers 8B
Weston Gold 8B
Westport PAL Blue 8B
Bethel 8B
Branford Hornets 8B
Brookfield 8B
Danbury PAL White 8B
Darien YMCA Blue 8B
Fairfield FBA Mavericks 8B
Farmington Rogue 8B
Hamden Fathers 8B
Meriden YMCA C 8B
Milford Knights White 8B
Monroe Park and Rec 8B
New Canaan Black 8B
New Fairfield 8B
New Milford YBA 8B
Newtown Blue 8B
Newtown Gold 8B
Nonnewaug 8B
Norwalk Youth Carver 8B
PHD Westport 8B
Pomperaug 8B
Redding-Easton Black 8B
Ridgefield Black 8B
Ridgefield Orange 8B
Shelton 8B
St Mark 8B
Stamford JCC Blue 8B
Wakeman BGC- Southport 8B
Wakeman-Smilow 8B
Weston Blue 8B
Westport PAL White 8B
Wilton Blue 8B
Bridge Academy Panthers 8B
Darien YMCA White 8B
Fairfield FBA Red Storm 8B
Greenwich Basketball 8B
Kings Kids 8B
New Canaan Red 8B
Stamford JCC White 8B
Wakeman Caribe-MAC 8B
Wilton White 7/8B
8th Grade Boys - A
8th Grade Boys - B East
8th Grade Boys - B West
8th Grade Boys - C North
8th Grade Boys - C South
8th Grade Boys Non FCBL
7th Grade Boys - A
7th Grade Boys - B North
7th Grade Boys - B South
7th Grade Boys - C East
7th Grade Boys - C West
6th Grade Boys - A
6th Grade Boys - B North
6th Grade Boys - B South
6th Grade Boys - C East
6th Grade Boys - C West
5th Grade Boys - A
5th Grade Boys - B
5th Grade Boys - C North
5th Grade Boys - C South
4th Grade Boys - A
4th Grade Boys - B
8th Grade Girls - A
8th Grade Girls - B
8th Grade Girls - C
7th Grade Girls - A
7th Grade Girls - B
7th Grade Girls - C
6th Grade Girls - A
6th Grade Girls - B
6th Grade Girls - C
5th Grade Girls - A
5th Grade Girls - B
4th Grade Girls
Camps and Clinics C
Girls Standings All Divisions
Boys Standings All Divisions
For Parents
How to Sign Up (Parents/Players)
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For Coaches
FCBL Tournament Game Rules
FCBL Tournament Rules
Game Rules
Technical Foul Policy
Download Roster Form
4th Grade Rules
Grade Exemption Form
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For Team Managers
Team Eligibility
Player Eligibility
Linking FCBL Schedule to your Town Crossbar Pages
For Parents
How to Sign Up (Parents/Players)
Subscribe to Your Teams iCal
For Coaches
FCBL Tournament Game Rules
FCBL Tournament Rules
Game Rules
Technical Foul Policy
Download Roster Form
4th Grade Rules
Grade Exemption Form
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For Team Managers
Team Eligibility
Player Eligibility
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FCBL WInter '24-'25
Madison Black 8B
Game Schedule
Norwalk CT Blazers 8B
33 - 57 (L)
Meriden YMCA Superjets 8B
Polson MS
58 - 39 (W)
Mt Vernon 8B
Polson MS
45 - 36 (W)
Bridgeport Select Elite 8B
Polson MS
47 - 51 (L)
Westport PAL Blue 8B
Polson MS
40 - 70 (L)
Weston Gold 8B
Polson MS
56 - 64 (L)
Bridgeport-McGivney 8B
Polson MS
54 - 29 (W)
Fairfield FBA Heat 8B
Polson MS
41 - 47 (L)
Milford Knights Blue 8B
Polson MS
2:30 PM
Danbury PAL Blue 8B
Danbury PAL Full Court
1:45 PM
Wilton Blue 8B
Polson MS
2:30 PM
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